Home District CCDB Climate Centre opened at Sreepur in Gazipur
District - Tourism - October 2, 2022

CCDB Climate Centre opened at Sreepur in Gazipur

Staff Correspondent: After 10 years of planning and construction, the door of the “CCDB Climate Centre” at Sreepur in Gazipur has been opened. The Christian Commissio

n for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) inaugurated its Climate Centre on 1st October 2022, which is the first of its nature in Bangladesh.

It has been developed as a climate hub for innovation and collaborative action to serve climate-vulnerable communities. The climate centre is located amid the tranquility of a 20-hectare picturesque landscape. The Centre’s climate park features Bangladesh’s main ecosystems and almost 100 climate adaptation and renewable energy solutions. The learning centre offers exhibition, training and conference facilities.

The ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh; Iqbal Hossain Sabuj, MP, Gazipur-3 Constituency; Ms. Petra Berner, Director International Programs of ‘Brot für die Welt’ (Bread for the World), Germany; David A. Halder, Chairman of CCDB Commission; Ms. Juliate Keya Malakar, Executive Director of CCDB,  Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD and Senior Associate, IIED and Dr. Ainun Nishat, Professor Emeritus, Advisor, C3ER, Brac University.

“It is a moment of dream come true for the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) on this October 1. It is our dream that this Centre will now start to support us, the communities we work with, and the country in shaping our common future in climate prosperity, climate resilience and towards zero carbon emission pathways”, said Ms. Juliate Keya Malakar, the Executive Director of CCDB.

At the beginning of the ceremony, David A. Halder, Chairman of CCDB Commission, welcomed everyone to the program and the Climate Centre. He expressed his hope that this centre will help the most vulnerable people of our country and make them climate resilient.

In the ceremony, the chief guest Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, in his speech said, “With or without climate change Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to natural disasters. Bangladesh Government is trying to gain food security to fight against these adverse effects of climate change.”

Iqbal Hossain Sabuj, MP, Gazipur-3 Constituency said, “This centre will help the young generation to know about the countries that are causing climate change and they will learn how to fight against this adverse effects.”

Professor Ainun Nishat, a pioneering expert in climate change in Bangladesh and the advisor of CCDB Climate Centre said, “Climate disaster will increase in an unpredictable way so we should bring cutting edge technology and build up the capacity to utilize that and become resilient.”

Leading global climate scientist Dr. Saleemul Huq said, “There are 3 elements of this Climate Centre- A learning centre for the young people, bringing all the stakeholders together and together Bangladesh can become a leader to tackle the climate change and its effects and a centre where people can co-operate and learn for each-other.”

Ms Petra Berner, Director International Programs, Brot für die Welt, Germany said, “Stopping climate change and managing its impacts requires transformative action based on networking local knowledge with research and development. This is what the Climate Centre stands for and we are happy to become a partner in this venture.”

Ms. Juliate Keya Malakar, the Executive Director of CCDB, welcomed everyone to the Climate Centre and gave vote of thanks to all.

“We envision this facility to become a ‘center of climate excellence’ that serves as a knowledge hub and as a common platform for cooperation and collaborative action that can be used by diverse stakeholders be it practitioners, academia, public sector or private sector, be it from Bangladesh or from abroad. What should unite us is to find solutions against climate change threats, and to serve the most vulnerable people,” said Foezullah Talukder, Head of the CCDB Climate Change Program.

“The CCDB Climate Centre opens its doors not only for capacity building events, researchers or conferences. It is open to everyone, who wants to learn about Bangladesh’s climatic zones, how they are affected by climate change, and what are good practices of adaptation and the use of renewable energy. We invite families, school classes, students, companies, or communities to visit us and enjoy the beauty of the place,” said Ms. Juliate Keya Malakar.

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