Home Bangladesh Bangladesh now 2nd in world fish production
Bangladesh - June 13, 2024

Bangladesh now 2nd in world fish production

Zarif Mahmud: Bangladesh has reached the second position after surpassing China in freshwater fish production. A report by The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture reveals the grade.
Fisheries and Livestock Minister Abdur Rahman gave this information in a press conference at the Secretariat on Thursday (June 13).
He said, since the last two years we have given importance to the production of fresh water fish, the extraction has increased.
According to the report, freshwater fish production in Bangladesh has increased from 1.25 million tons to 1.32 million tons.
The report also said that China’s freshwater fish production was 1.46 million tons and ranked second in the world. On the other hand, the production of Bangladesh was 1.25 million tons and ranked third in the world. Bangladesh’s freshwater fish production has increased from 1.25 million tons to 1.32 million tons in the last two years. On the other hand, China’s production decreased from 1.46 million tons to 1.16 million tons. As a result, Bangladesh has surpassed China to the 2nd position.
It was informed in the press conference that in the last two years, hilsa, native species of fish such as pangus, boal, eider and other small fish and carp have made a significant contribution to the production of freshwater fish. Hilsa fish has the largest contribution in this.
Bangladesh is the first among 11 countries producing hilsa in the world; Bangladesh is a role model in the world in hilsa production. In order to increase the production of hilsa and ensure sustainable production,
as a result of the implementation of Jatka preservation, implementation of hilsa breeding protection program, declaration and management of hilsa shelter by the government, the production of hilsa in the fiscal year 2022-23 has increased to 5.71 lakh metric tons.
A total of 5 lakh 8 thousand 716.96 metric tons of food assistance has been provided under social security program in the last 14 years. In addition, a total of 8 thousand 334.54 metric tons of VGF food assistance has been given in the last 8 years during the prohibition period of mother hilsa extraction.
It was also mentioned in the press conference that Bangladesh has achieved self-sufficiency in fish production due to all these initiatives.
According to the report, Bangladesh has overtaken China to become second in the world in terms of freshwater fish production, continues to rank fifth in closed-pond farmed fish production, eighth in crustaceans (shellfish such as shrimp, lobster, etc.) and 14th in marine fish production.
The Minister of Fisheries and Animal Resources said that current nets have been banned to increase the production of freshwater fish. Fishermen have also filed a case in court. I hope that His Excellency will consider this case.

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