Home Bangladesh Green chili Kg reached Tk 400
Bangladesh - June 27, 2023

Green chili Kg reached Tk 400

Staff Correspondent: The price of green chili is increasing in the markets of the capital. Even by allowing import, the price is not being reined in. On the contrary, the price of the product increased by Tk 100 per kg within a day after the import permission. A kg of raw chili is now touching Tk 400 in the market.
On Monday (June 26), various markets of the capital were visited, traders were selling one poa (250 grams) of green chillies for Tk 100. And if you buy one kg, the price is kept at Tk 360 to Tk 400.
The government allowed the importation of green chillies on Sunday due to the sudden increase in the price of green chillies. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the import of 11,600 tons of green pepper has been allowed in 30 IPs of green pepper throughout the day on Sunday.
After the government allowed importation, the price of raw chillies increased by Tk 100 per kg in the markets of the capital within a day. A day ago, yesterday Sunday, a kg of raw chilies was Tk 300.
Most of the retail traders are not able to explain the sudden increase in the price of raw chili. Some are complaining that prices are being inflated by creating an artificial crisis.
On the other hand, wholesalers say that the rain has caused extensive damage to the green pepper fields. The market is undersupplied. The government has allowed the import to prove that there is a shortage of green chillies. Altogether, the price of raw chili has increased.
They say that even if the government allows the import of green chillies, there is no possibility of the price coming down before Eid. Because, imported raw chili will take time to come to the country.
Going to Rampura market, it can be seen that the traders are selling raw chili pods for Tk 100. However, some traders are charging Tk 360 to Tk 370 for one kg.
Rampura businessman said about the price of green pepper. Milon told that yesterday I sold a pod of raw chilies for Tk 80. Today, the price has increased further. There is no way to sell poa for less than Tk 100 at the price that has to be bought.
When asked to know the reason for the increase in the price of green pepper, this businessman said, the price of green pepper is on fire in the market! I can’t say why the price has increased. Raw chillies are not available in abundance.
Going to Khilgaon market in the morning, it was seen that green chillies are being sold at Tk 400 per kg. Aminul, the businessman there, said that one pod of raw chili is Tk 100. Tk 400 for one kg. It is not possible to sell a kg of raw chilli below Tk 400.
When asked about the reason for the increase in the price of green chillies, he said that we cannot say the main reason for the increase in the price. This can be said well by artydars. However, we think prices have increased due to low supply in the market. There may be a special cycle behind it.
The businessman of Malibag complained that the price of green pepper is being increased through manipulation. Jewel. He said that the retail traders have no hand behind the increase in the price of green chillies. In our opinion, the price is being increased by creating an artificial crisis in the market. Good market monitoring can bring down the price.
Sadrul Hossain expressed surprise after hearing the price of raw chili in Rampura market. This buyer said that he was surprised to hear the price when he came to buy green chillies in the market. A pod of raw chili is not available for less than Tk 100. I saw the news on Sunday that the price of raw chili is Tk 300 per kg. Within a day, the price increased by Tk 100 to Tk 400 per kg.
He said, one pod of green pepper can be thought of Tk 100! In fact, those who are supposed to monitor the market are not performing their duties properly. That is why a class of profiteers are increasing the price of goods at will. Common people are suffering.
Khairul Hossain, who came to the caravan market to express his anger about the price of green chillies, said that green chillies have become cold. The price of one kg of raw chilies is around Tk 400. What suddenly happened in the country that the price of pepper will be so much? All this is manipulation of businessmen.
Jamal Hossain, a businessman of Caravanbazar, said that the supply of raw chillies in the market is low. The government has allowed the import as there is a shortage of the product in the country. It will take time for the imported raw chillies to arrive in the country. There is very little possibility of a drop in the price of raw chillies before Eid.
He said, there is no room for manipulation by traders behind the increase in the price of green pepper. If the supply is less than the demand in the market, it is natural that the price will increase. Now the supply in the market is much less than the demand of green chillies. Due to this, the price has increased.
Shamsul, another trader in the market, said that the rain has caused extensive damage to the green pepper fields in different parts of the country. Again, the transportation to bring raw chili to Dhaka is also less. Now most of the truck-pickup vans are busy transporting sacrificial animals. On the one hand the destruction of chilli fields and on the other hand the supply of raw chillies in the market has decreased due to the transportation crisis. Due to this, the price may increase abnormally.
He said that the government has allowed the import of raw chillies because of the low supply in the market. We believe that the price of imported raw chillies will come down in the market. But there is not much chance of price reduction before Eid. Because, the imported raw chili will not come in the market before Eid.

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