Home Bangladesh Thousands suffer as flood persists in Sylhet
Bangladesh - District - 3 days ago

Thousands suffer as flood persists in Sylhet

Over 16,000 in shelters

Staff Correspondent: Despite a brief improvement, incessant rain since Monday has caused flooding to recur in Sylhet, submerging many areas that had previously seen the water recede.
Many flood-affected families, who had returned home from shelters, are now moving back to safe spots as the Surma, Kushiyara, Manu, and Khowai rivers overflow, inundating numerous areas in Moulvibazar, Sunamganj, and Habiganj, reports our Sylhet correspondent.
According to the Divisional Commissioner’s Office in Sylhet, over 16,000 people have been relocated to 898 shelter centers across the division. Additionally, 1,964 cattle, including 1,203 in Sylhet, 547 in Moulvibazar, 123 in Sunamganj, and 91 in Habiganj, have also been moved to shelters.
The Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (WDB) reports that while the Surma River’s water level is decreasing, the Sari-Gowain River is flowing below the danger level. However, the Kushiyara, Manu, and Khowai rivers are still flowing above the danger level and rising.
As of 9:00 am yesterday, the Surma was flowing 87 centimeters (cm) above the danger level at Kanaighat Point and 2 cm above in the city.
Due to reduced rainfall upstream in India, the water level of the Sari-Gowain dropped by 108 cm in a day, now flowing at 111 cm below the threshold at Jaintiapur’sSarighat.
However, the Kushiyara was flowing 135 cm above the danger level at Zakiganj’sAmalshid, 43 cm above at Beanibazar’sSheola, 99 cm above at Fenchuganj, and 20 cm above at Moulvibazar’sSherpur.

In Moulvibazar, the Manu River was flowing 28 cm above the danger level at Manu Railway Bridge and 48 cm above in Sadar.
The Khowai River was flowing 90 cm above the threshold at Balla Point and 35 cm above in HabiganjSadar.
Sylhet Divisional Commissioner Abu Ahmad Siddique stated, “This new blow has increased the sufferings of the victims in the area. The administration is working to reduce their hardships through relief.”
A total of 4,235 tonnes of rice, 29,830 packets of dry food, baby food, and cattle feed worth Tk 40 lakh each, and Tk 1.17 crore in cash have been allocated in the division and are being distributed in phases, he mentioned.
“Considering the new blow, we have requested more aid. Rehabilitation efforts will be initiated after the flood recedes,” he added.

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