Home Corporate Cry for WASA water in parts of capital city
Corporate - Health - August 14, 2022

Cry for WASA water in parts of capital city

Daily demand is 265 cr liters

Golam Mostafa Jibon: Despite rainy season, residents at different parts of the capital have been facing acute scarcity of water especially for drinking due to poor supply by WASA. Though, a little bit of water is being supplied at some places in the city, it’s totally unfit for use due to bad smell and huge dirty.
City dwellers complained that, scanty supply of water has now caused of immense sufferings as many people are being forced to collect bottle water from market for drinking and use in cooking.
They said, most of the day, there are no pressure of water in the pipelines at different places. Though, the pressure is found available twice or once a day, the water is not usable.
Even, despite repeated calls to buy water, water supplying vehicle of WASA was found hardly at some places.
In this circumstance, WASA claimed that, most of its pumps are not working perfectly as the water level has fallen down drastically with the effect of climate change. This is why, water shortage has occurred in some parts of the city. Many residents of WASA Mods Zone-8 complained that,they have been passing days and nights almost without water for more than last two weeks.
Not only for drinking, they need water for cooking, washing and bathing. But, they are not getting the water even after paying money. Children and elderly men are facing highly trouble for short supply of water.
Seeking anonymity, a senior officer of WASA said, most of the pipelines of WASA have become unfit for water supplying due to innumerable leakage developed from unplanned digging here and there by different utility service providing authorities. For this reason, residents of many areas get dirty and smelly water that unfit for use. Lack of proper maintenance by the authorities concerned of the WASA is the main reason behind such situation.
On the other hand, people are not getting water from WASA even after paying additional money.
“It is unbelievable that, we are facing scarcity of water during the season of monsoon. Unbridled corruption and mismanagement by the authorities concerned of the WAS has now caused of woe for the city dwellers. But, there is no one to see the matter, even after submitting frequent complaints”, said Dildar Hossain, a resident of Modhubagh area in the capital.
Joysna Bewa, a resident of Kuril Bishwa Road area said, “We can’t cook food for our family members due to lack of water in the area. Besides, taking bath and drinking have become difficult. But, there is no way to get rid from the suffering.”
It has been found that the most water crisis has occurred in Kuril, Bishwa Road, Bhatara Noor Chala, Uttar Badda, Middle Badda, Merul Badda DIT Project, Kalachandpur, Mirpur, Agargaon and Rayerbazar areas of the capital.
Abu Jafor Mian, a resident of Gulshan Noor Mosque area said, “There is no water for over the last three weeks. The house owners requested the WASA regional office for water, but the WASA water tank did not come on the basis of call. The fair price of acontainer water is at Tk 400, but they often charge at Tk 800 to Tk 1000. We agree to give that too. But that doesn’t help either.”
Fulchand Mian, a resident of Nayatola area said,his school going children did not take bath for two days due to lack of water. Water shortage is prevailing everywhere. Water comes once a day even for a short time. Sometime, water comes at night. But we can’t preserve the water as we often remain in sleeping at that time. Now, how can a family run without water? WASA is not taking any action despite complaining repeatedly.
Monir Hossain, in charge of supplying water in exchange of money by WASA water tankin Mods Zone-8 said, when the order of purchased water is coming, we are sending the vehicle there. But we also have shortage of vehicles and manpower. Now water is a problem almost at home. So I can’t supply the purchased water properly. Although, this problem is temporary. We can deliver water, if given time. But I cannot deliver water to so many houses immediately. This is why, people from different areas are complaining about it.
WASAofficials said, due to fall of the water level, crisis has arisen in some areas. Boring is being done in more than 100 pumps out of 800 pumps to resolve the problem. When this work will be completed, the water crisis will be resolved to a large extent. Besides, if Gandhavpur water treatment plant is commissioned, dependence on underground water will be reduced to a large extent.
The officials also said that, currently they have more than 800 pumps. Out of these, more than 100 pumps are being bored. When this work will be completed, it is expected that the water crisis in certain areas will be resolved. Besides, WASA wants to install several new pumps. But space is not available for it.
The daily demand forwater ofDhaka WASA is 265 crore liters. About 64 percent of this comes from underground. At present, the water level has gone down quite a lot, so water has to be drawn from about 1000 feet below. On the other hand, if the Gandhavpur water treatment plant is commissioned, the dependence on ground water will decrease by about 30 percent.

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