Home Power & Energy Demand for charger fans goes up suddenly, price too
Power & Energy - July 21, 2022

Demand for charger fans goes up suddenly, price too

Golam Mostafa Jibon: The demand for charger fans has gone up suddenly with the rising of power outage across the country.
Recently, there are reports of increasing ‘unbearable load shedding’ across the country including the capital Dhaka. According to the news published in various media, many parts of the country are facing load shedding for more than 12 to 13 hours a day even after announcement of area based schedule and table of load shedding. It has caused discomfort in public life due to extreme heat. Many people are buying cheap small charger fans to protect themselves from the heat wave. Buyers and sellers said that, this apparent charger fan is the only hope to save from intense heat. However, some buyers said that due to increased demand, many shops have also increased the price of charger fans. Still, it’s a must-buy.
Ratan Sheikh is a permanent resident of Kalyanpur in the capital. He does business. He lives along with his wife, two daughters and a son. His daughters study in college. Now there is no electricity two or three times a day and night. So he came to a local electronic store to buy a charger fan.
While talking, he said, “It has now become difficult to survive without fan due to scorching heat. My children can’t carry their study for want of electricity. Finding no way, I have come to purchase a charger fan as alternative.”
Rubel Mahmud, Worker of a garment factory said, “Earlier in our area, electricity would go off after a day or two for a short period of time. Now goes 2-3 times a day. I am in the office during the day. When I return home in the evening, I feel very hot when the electricity goes out. All in all, as long as I am at home, there is no electricity for hours. Still, I came to buy a small charger fan. This fan is a bit expensive. However, I have to buy it now.”
Rumjhum Khatun, a resident at Gulshan area said, “Suppose there is no electricity for half an hour and 40 minutes. No problem yet. But I heard the problem is being longest. So I came to buy charger fan. It would have been better if the price was a little lower. But, shopkeepers have increased the prices of those fans taking the advantage of frequent power outage.”
Anwarul Azam, resident of Rampura area in the capital said, “Power problem is now increasing slowly. This is why, I have to buy a charger fan for my wife. She can’t tolerate heat.”
Julmat Ali, a shopkeeper of electrical goods in Dhaka’s Fakirapool area said, “Sales of charger fans have increased in this summer compared to other time. Many have pre-ordered. Each medium size of fan is being sold between Tk 2500 and Tk 3000. Small fan is also being sold at Tk 2000.”
Tota Mian, a wholesale shopkeeper in Dhaka’s New Market said, “For the last few days, the order of such fans is high. Small fan relatively low price, sale is also high. When the heat rises, people buy more charger fans. People are showing interest to purchase such charger fans as those are able to run during load-shedding. We import more of these products from outside. Its price basically varies depending on import-export and VAT costs.”

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