Home Education Education costs rising abnormally
Education - April 4, 2024

Education costs rising abnormally

Creates pressure on parents

Mohiuddin Farazi: I believe that education expenditure has increased due to the increase in commodity prices in the country. Along with the increase in the price of all things, the cost of education has also increased. Education is given more importance. The future of the nation depends on education. In that case, increasing the cost of education is a big deal.
Everything should be capped or reduced in price. It seems to those who are conscious citizens, school teachers or conscious parents of the country that the nation needs education. Nation building or state building requires education, through which one can move towards a better future. But these are being disrupted.

We have seen that in 1972, the first education commission was established in Bangladesh under the name of Scientist Khudrat-e-Khudar. That was good. Worked with the spirit of liberation war. But none of those who came to power after the fall of the Mujib government and set up committees, commissions etc. could produce a clean or good report.
Maybe there was a spelling mistake or some other kind of problem. Then we protested against the Education Commission. Now those who want to be the first or want to assert themselves, I did not see the spirit of independent Bangladesh or building a state of their own.
I think people are now in a sort of depression. This situation needs to change. Education Commission, Syllabus, Curriculum should be developed based on independent thinking of independent state. This cannot be done by those who merely obey bureaucratic orders.
That is why school teachers or parents are thinking how their children can do well with what is available in the country. The price of everything is currently on the rise. Along with that, current education is also joining. It will be very difficult for many people. Those with more money will be fine. Most of the people in the country are not well off. 30 percent of our people are currently in very poor condition. It is the lower middle class who will be affected by the price hike. At present there is no political party or cultural organization in Bangladesh which can adopt new ideas or new ideas. This is our national reality. Awami League was in power for 15 consecutive years, before that it was 5 years and it is still there. If you are in power for a long time, some privileges are increased. We can hope that the government will try to understand what our education system or education policy will be. We want change. The change does not have to happen all at once. But gradual change is important.
Because every time there is room for some controversy. After a system runs for 10-12 years, it is changed again by a new committee. It is not visible that good ideas come from new committees or commissions. Good thoughts and hope are very important. Those who are very poor, withdraw their children from education because of poverty or do not want to send them to education. They think that this education is not for them, it is only for big people. Now we need to think about how to reduce poverty, how to increase employment. All governments try to do public welfare work. Because it will benefit the people’s support. Some governments sometimes talk about dropouts, but the issue of dropouts is not new. Even 20-30 years ago, students have dropped out. When the government starts doing something new and criticism comes from the other side, the spillover issue comes to the fore. The solution to shedding must be done economically. And this work will be done by the government.

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