Home Bangladesh Efforts on to ensure safe return of BD ship from Ukrainian port
Bangladesh - March 5, 2022

Efforts on to ensure safe return of BD ship from Ukrainian port

Staff Correspondent: Expressing deep condolences to the near and dear ones of deceased Hadisur Rahman, the Russian Embassy in Dhaka yesterdaysaid the Russian side “bends every effort” to ensure safe departure of the Bangladeshi ship stranded in an Ukrainian port.
The Command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, relying on the objective monitoring data, has repeatedly stated that, during the retreat, the Ukrainian nationalists open indiscriminate fire and deliberately capture hostages, use them as a “human shield”, resorting to the well-known terrorists’ tactic, said the Embassy.
Hadisur Rahman, a citizen of Bangladesh and 3rd engineer of the BSC ship MV Banglar Samriddhi positioned in inner anchorage of Olvia port (Ukraine), was killed in a missile attack.
“The circumstances of the incident are being established,” said the Embassy.
For resolving the humanitarian issues arising from the special military operation in Ukraine, including the requests for evacuation of the civilians, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has launched the hotline +7 495 498-34-46, +7 495 498-42-11, +7 495 498-41-09.

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