Home Bank & Finance India taken over edu policy of Bangladesh
Bank & Finance - Education - January 21, 2024

India taken over edu policy of Bangladesh

Staff Correspondent: Amir of Khilafat Majlis Maulana Abdul Basit Azad has commented that India has taken over our education policy by stepping on the neck of the current government of Bangladesh. He made this comment in a seminar titled ‘Current Education Policy, New Curriculum and Future of the Nation’ organized by Khilafat Majlis Dhaka Metropolitan at Dhaka Reporters Unity on Saturday afternoon.
Abdul Basit Azad said that in the current education system, basic education has been reduced to the level of public education. Science and religious education have been curtailed. Nothing good can be expected from this educational policy. India has taken over our education policy by stepping on the neck of this government. Aliya Madrasa education has lost its individuality. Parents worry about their children’s future. Many of those who can afford it are sending their children through English today. Students do not study at home because there are no exams. Does not listen to parents.
Values are being destroyed by importing a culture of transgender and free association. This educational system of abandoning morality in the name of modernity must be canceled immediately.
He said that many educational programs have been formulated in this country since independence. These courses written by secularists and atheists had no expert Islamic educators. No stakeholders, including Islamic educationists, were consulted in the drafting of the current curriculum. Wrong curriculum has been handed over to the students by printing the books without reviewing the errors. On the one hand, as the financial loss of the country has been done, on the other hand, the future generation of the nation is being crippled. So, this course should be cancelled. Expert educators and scholars should be included in the new curriculum formulation.
Under the chairmanship of Khilafat Majlis Dhaka Metropolitan South President Professor Maulana Azizul Haque and North President Prof. Maulana Saif Uddin Ahmad Khandkar, the Secretary General of Khilafat Majlis Central Committee Dr. Ahmad Abdul Quader, Former Head of Dhaka City College Management Department Professor Khalekuzzaman, Senior Supreme Court Advocate AKM Badruddoza, Naib Ameer of Khilafat Majlis Maulana Ahmad Ali Kasemi, Central Advisory Council Member Maulana Ziaul Haque Shamim, Secretary General of JamiatUlamae Islam Maulana Manjurul Islam Afendi, Bangladesh Acting Secretary General of Khilafat Majlis Maulana Jalaluddin Ahmad, Naib of Islami OikyaAndolan Amir Ershadul Bari, Secretary General Prof. Mostafa Tariqul Hassan and others spoke.

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