Home District Mystery of sending Tk 3.35cr from Sonali Bank dispelled
District - August 11, 2022

Mystery of sending Tk 3.35cr from Sonali Bank dispelled

Gaibandha Correspondent: At last, confusion about sending Tk 3.35 crore from Gaibandha branch of the Sonali Bank to an unintended person has been dispelled.
Police claimed to have arrested Abu Taher, a manpower trader and owner of Amir International in Dhaka, for withdrawing the money wrongly went to his company’s account.
Superintendent of Police ARM Alif at a press conference on Thursday said an officer of Dutch Bangla Bank submitted a cheque valued Tk 3.25crore to Gaibandha branch of Sonali Bank on July 6. The money was supposed to be sent to the account number of head office of Dutch Bangla Bank in Dhaka. But it was wrongly posted to the account of Amir International.
Manager of Sonali Bank Md Zahidul Islam detected the mistake during a routine scrutiny on August 4 and found Tk 3.10crore withdrawn by owner of Amir International. The phone number of Abu Taher was also found switched off.
The manager instantly informed Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) of the incident in writing. Applying technology, PBI traced Abu Taher in Noakhali and arrested him on August 9.
It is learnt that the arrestee withdrew Tk 3.10crore and transferred the money to different bank accounts and places.
Police joint team of Gaibandha and Dhaka recovered Tk 20 lakh from the house of sister-in-law of Taher in Darussalam area and Tk 10 lakh from an account of Standard Bank in Vatara. Now, police is trying to recover Tk 2.80crore from Abu Taher.
PBI handed over Taher to GaibandhaSadar Police Station in connection with a case filed by Sonali Bank manager Zahidul Islam.

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