Home Bangladesh No public gathering
Bangladesh - January 21, 2022

No public gathering

Staff Correspondent: Health Minister Zahid Malek has said that various social events, including weddings, should be stopped within the 11-point ban announced by the government to increase the spread of coronavirus.
He was speaking to reporters at a briefing after the Health and Foreign Ministry’s meeting with DCs at the Deputy Commissioner’s Conference yesterday.
The health minister said, ‘Various types of events, including weddings, social events should be stopped now. We have highlighted these issues. Besides, we have said that screening is also going on in Landport, Sport and Airport. So that you can see them properly and so that there is no cheating. I also told them about quarantine. Quarantine is often slack.
On drugs, he said, “Drugs have increased in our country, now drugs are scattered all around. This is increasing health risks. Different types of drugs are coming to the country from abroad. I have asked the DCs to increase their surveillance on Yaaba.
He said, “The rivers, canals and beels that are polluting us from the industry, they (DC) should take care of them.” It is detrimental to health. Those who are using this water are suffering from various diseases. Their demand was, hospitals at divisional level, we have already started construction of hospitals at divisional level. A few days ago, the Prime Minister inaugurated the hospital. Each hospital has four hundred and fifty beds. Where cancer will be kidney and heart treatment.
He added, “I have plans to build more hospitals like this. These include neuroscience, orthopedic, mental health and skin care. We have asked for their cooperation in the same way that we have received their cooperation before. Because if the country is to be economically good, then Corona must be under control.
Corona was in control and trying to control it must be enforced, he added.
‘They are also helping with the vaccine program (DC). Vaccines so that everyone can get through in a short time. We have already given 15 crores doses of vaccines. We still have 90 million doses. If we want to vaccinate 12 crore target people, we have all the vaccines in stock for them all over the country. Many countries do not have it.
“We are going through booster doses. We have vaccinated 12.5 million students in one month,” he said. More than 90 percent of them have been vaccinated. We have 10 bed ICU, 10 bed dialysis in each district hospital, which is now in the installation stage. It has already passed the ECNEC. So, in a short time it will become. We have discussed, hopefully they (DC) will take tough action. ‘

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