Home Bangladesh No visible step to stop plastic pollution
Bangladesh - Health - October 5, 2021

No visible step to stop plastic pollution

Bangladesh is now in the tenth place on the list of top countries in plastic pollution

Recycling needs to make useful –Series—2

Golam Mostafa Jibon:, the pollution from plastic is increasing day by day, there is no visible steps to stop it.
Environmentalists believe that, it is still possible to control the use of plastics by enacting and enforcing appropriate laws.
According to a survey report, 17 million barrels of oil are used annually in plastic production. Five ounces of carbon dioxide is released into the air to make one ounce of plastic or polythene. This has led to widespread greenhouse reactions. In addition, the use of products made from plastics causes severe damage to the natural environment. The effects of plastic pollution can fall on the human body in any way. For example, if the soil is polluted due to plastic, eating vegetables or fruits from the trees growing in that soil can cause disease. Similarly, plastic contamination through water can lead to ulcers, birth defects, genetic mutations, bronchitis, skin diseases, deafness, visual impairment, liver problems and even cancer. Dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitoes can breed a variety of harmful insects in water stored in plastic containers lying around. Plastic reduces the fertility of soil. The accumulation of discarded plastic in drains disrupts the drainage system and causes water-logging.
Deputy Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Begum Habibun Nahar said, “Discarded plastics can cause of huge damage to the environment. However, people are not aware of this. With a little awareness, we can protect ourselves from the damage caused by plastic waste.”
Environmentalists have been vocal about the use of plastic products, raising concerns around the world. There is a movement to stop the use somewhere. However, awareness among the people about the use of plastic products is increasing.
According to research by oceanographers, a large part of the animal kingdom is dependent on tiny organisms (zooplankton) and tiny plant particles (phytoplankton) floating in water for food. Six pounds of plastic exist in seawater as opposed to one pound of plankton. Different species of sea fish live by eating algae. Plastics that fall into water are at one stage broken down by uneven air and currents into micro-plastics. Fish in seawater eat plankton-sized microplastics as well as algae. Due to eating that fish, plastic material also enters the human body and causes terrible damage.
According to various research reports, marine pollution is a major global problem due to plastic waste, and several chemical companies in Japan, Germany and Italy have developed biodegradable plastics. Enzymes or biochemicals from marine microorganisms break down these new types of plastics into water and carbon-dioxide. Various international organizations are taking effective steps in this regard. In addition, many countries around the world have agreed on a legally binding framework to reduce contaminated plastic waste.
According to experts, the use of plastic products cannot be stopped abruptly. However, if plastic recycling can be made useful, it will be much less harmful. Because of this waste can be recycled and reused. As a result, plastic products will no longer be left in the abandoned state. If that happens, plastic waste will not be able to harm the environment by mixing with soil and water.
According to the relevant sources, at one time Bangladesh used to import a lot of plastic products. But now, the country is self-sufficient in the production of plastic products. About 4,000 companies in the country produce 2.4 million tons of plastic products annually. Plastic products are now being exported from Bangladesh to different countries to meet their own needs. It is generating employment and foreign exchange. However, compared to the loss of plastic, it is not very much a benefit. However, the production of recyclable or biodegradable plastic products will benefit the country as a whole.
Plastic is an artificially made polymer, which is made chemically from fossil fuels or natural gas. Most of the things that people use in their daily life are made of plastic. It is a synthetic or semi-synthetic and low melting point substance, which can take on any shape under thermal conditions and can be re-hardened. Plastic is a daily commodity in all countries as it is readily available. Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. However, increasing use is threatening public health and biodiversity.
BRAC University Professor of Micro-Biology, environmental scientist and researcher Mahbub Hossain said, “Various toxic substances including bisphenols are emitted from plastics. Its effects can lead to various deadly diseases including cancer. The discarded plastic falls into the sea after mixing with soil and various water bodies. Its poisonous substances are killing various animals including sea fishes. There is not much activity in controlling the production and use of this harmful plastic. Some countries have also regulated the use of plastic.
Prolonged use of PVC plastic products such as dishes, cups, bowls, buckets, soft drink containers, straws, tea cups, home furnishings, children’s swimming pools, tiles, toys, water pipes and drums can lead to various diseases including cancer. Now in the market, various food items including spices, fish, meat, vegetables, rice, pulses, sugar, fruits and flour are kept in plastic wrap. This is also the way to keep it in the fridge at home. From toothbrushes, toothpaste to mobiles, reading tables, luggage cases, and even pens used for writing are made of plastic. Water, oil, sauces, juices and much more are sold with plastic bottles. One million plastic bottles with liquids are bought and sold every minute in the country.

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