Home Entertainment Remand misused in case of Pori Moni: HC
Entertainment - September 1, 2021

Remand misused in case of Pori Moni: HC

Court Correspondent:The High Court has said that there was “no need for the third remand” in the cases filed against actress Pori Moni. “The remand was misused in the case of Pori Moni’,” the court mentioned.
The court further said on Wednesday that the investigating officer of the case had appealed and the judge had granted remand, adding that “it should not happen in a civilized society”.
The High Court bench of Justice Mostafa Zaman Islam Islam and Justice KM Zahid Sarwar Kajal made the remarks.
At the hearing, the state lawyers said Pori Moni has granted bail, for this, the rule has now become “invalid”.
The court then said that part of the rule has been settled due to bail, however, there is “another part remaining”. There is also another petition regarding the validity of “repeated remand” for Pori Moni. “We will order that. There is a guideline for remand, but they did not follow that,” the court added.
The court further said that they can give a “direction” in this regard.
The court said a guideline would be issued on the number of days under which petitions under Section 498 of the Criminal Procedure Code (relating to bail hearings) will be heard.
Deputy Attorney General Abu Yahya Dulal, Assistant Attorney General Md. Mizanur Rahman.
Advocate Mojibur Rahman was in favor of Pori Moni. Advocates Z.I. Khan Panna and Syeda Nasrin were also in favor of the remand petition. Actress Pori Moni got bail yesterday. Judge KM Imrul Kayes of the Dhaka Metropolitan Sessions granted her bail after the hearing. Later today, Pori Moni was released from Kashimpur Central Women’s Jail at 9:36 am and left the jail by a car.

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