Home Bangladesh Sovereign-hosted cloud services for knowledge-based economy
Bangladesh - December 21, 2021

Sovereign-hosted cloud services for knowledge-based economy

ICT division to implement soon

Staff Correspondent: Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL), the state-run data storage and the disaster recovery servicesprovider, has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated RegionCloud@Customer to provide sovereign-hosted cloud services to the government.
The initiative, led by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)Division, is aimed at accelerating the country towards its goal of becoming a”knowledge-based economy” by extending the use of secure, sovereign-hosted,enterprise-class cloud and digital technologies to the various governmentagencies and ministries, said a press release yesterday.
According to the release, the government’s “Digital Bangladesh” visionaims to leverage technology to help the country achieve its sustainabledevelopment goals, create employment for all, and move Bangladesh towards adeveloped economy.
To achieve the target, the government has recognized the need to increasethe availability of sovereign-hosted cloud services to support the variouscritical systems driving government, particularly for secure workloads inNational Security, e-governance, e-filing, health, human services, and otherdepartments, and government agencies dealing with sensitive data ofBangladesh.
State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak said, “The deployment of afocused, locally delivered and highly secure ‘government cloud’ willaccelerate our progress towards Digital Bangladesh – nothing like thiscurrently exists”.
With the next-generation, enterprise-class cloud powered by Oracle CloudInfrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer, he said, “We can acceleratethe modernization of key government activities such as e-voting, e-healthservice, e-filing, virtual courts, e-judiciary, and so on”.
Senior Secretary of the ICT Division and Chairman of BDCCL NM Zeaul Alamsaid, “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer will makeit easier for government entities to securely move to the next stage of theircloud-enabled transformation”.
Noting that many government agencies, including power, energy, and land,are using various Oracle offerings, he said, having a local cloud environmentthat is a perfect match for moving sensitive data to the cloud, giving accessto the complete range of Oracle cloud applications that offers a platform forcloud-native innovation, will give government a cost-effective route todeploying modern services for government and citizens.
Managing Director of the BDCCL Abu Sayeed Chowdhury said, “By having OracleCloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer in the world’s 7thlargest Uptime Institute Certified Tier IV National Data Center delivered byBDCCL, we are now ready to offer more than 75 services of IaaS, PaaS andSaaS”.
This will help accelerate and secure the future success of DigitalBangladesh, the fulfillment of the vision by 2041 and help Bangladesh leadthe way in the 4th Industrial Revolution, he added.
Managing Director of Oracle Bangladesh Rubaba Dowla said, “We are excitedto work with BDCCL under ICT Division and to continue to build our strongrelationship with the government, making cloud innovation more accessible togovernment with superior security, infrastructure, performance and reliability”.
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer will behosted within the world’s 7th largest ‘Tier IV National Data Center’ at theBangabandhu Hi-Tech City in Kaliakair of Gazipur district.

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