Home Bangladesh Teesta project to change northern economy
Bangladesh - Biz World - August 3, 2023

Teesta project to change northern economy

India main barrier to implement

Special Correspondent: Demands for the implementation of the Teesta Master Plan have emerged strongly from the leaders of various parties. They think that Sheikh Hasina, as the daughter-in-law of Rangpur, will announce the fulfillment of the long-standing demands of the people of this region today. However, BNP leaders claim that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will not be able to show any hope for the Teesta Master Plan due to her love for India.
The people of Rangpur division always expect a little extra from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Because she is the daughter-in-law of Rangpur. This time too, the politicians like the common people of Rangpur are looking towards him to fulfill some of the important problems and demands of this region.
Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) Rangpur District President Bir Muktijoddha Comrade Shahadat Hossain told Daily Industry that this is not the government’s public meeting but the Awami League’s. Party people will benefit from this meeting. There will be no welfare for the hardworking people of Rangpur. Awami League is holding this public meeting as part of their campaign ahead of the elections. Here, Sheikh Hasina will be present as the party chief, not as the Prime Minister.
He also said that there has been a lot of politics over Teesta, and it is still happening. The Teesta issue has now become a farce. Awami League announcing any mega project before the expiry of their government is another farce. In the language of Rangpur, there is a phenomenon like ‘ga sotta with a wet towel’.
District BNP convener Saiful Islam told Daily Industry that Sheikh Hasina has not done anything significant in 14 years in Rangpur as a daughter-in-law. We thought that an agro-based economic zone would develop. There will be mega projects but nothing has happened. Rather, the government has placed Rangpur at the bottom of the allocation of funds without removing the development disparity of Rangpur.
He also said that Awami League is holding a public meeting in Rangpur today. This is another cheating forum. Because the people of Rangpur will not get much from here. Teesta is a long-standing problem of the people of Rangpur. Teesta river was not mined for the government’s love of India. We want Sheikh Hasina to announce the elections under the caretaker government as per the main demands of the people from the public meeting.
Bangladesh Jasad Rangpur Metropolitan General Secretary Sabbir Ahmed told Daily Industry that the Prime Minister will announce the implementation of the Teesta Master Plan from today’s general meeting, we are very interested in it. Because the Prime Minister has done what he said in the past for Rangpur. For this reason, we believe that today the people of this region will see the light of hope with the implementation of the Teesta Master Plan.
He also said that if the Teesta Master Plan is implemented, backward Greater Rangpur will be freed from the curse of poverty. Employment will be created with people. The people of Rangpur will also be saved from the way they become destitute every year due to river erosion.
Sabbir Ahmed said, mega projects are going on all over the country, only in Rangpur region there is no big project of the government. To stop this development disparity, the head of government has to reveal the specific position for the implementation of the Teesta Master Plan today. The Prime Minister’s announcement will have an impact on the next election as well.
Nazrul Islam Haqqani, president of Save Teesta, Nadi Bachao Sangram Parishad, told Daily Industry that the dream and trust of Teesta crores is now only Sheikh Hasina. If the Teesta Master Plan is implemented, Rangpur Division will be a sweet water exporting region. By dredging the river, the channel will be united, the reservoir will be constructed. The fate of the people of Tista side will change through unimaginable changes.
He also said, we want scientific mining in Teesta river. We want to protect it scientifically on both sides of the river. While providing this protection, it will be in the name of the grand plan, or in some other plan, we do not know. We don’t know whether it should be financed from abroad or from within the country. To save a large lifeline of the country, this river must be taken care of. There is no alternative to well-planned and scientific protection to save the economy of the region and the Teesta river and its people. People on the banks of the river are now looking forward to seeing the start of work on the implementation of the Teesta master plan after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s arrival in Rangpur.
Newly elected president of Rangpur Press Club Monabbar Hossain Mana told Daily Industry that the fate of the people of Rangpur will change radically if the Teesta Master Plan is announced. We believe that honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will give good news today thinking about 2 crore people. However, there are complications in implementing his announcement at this time. But the people of Rangpur believe that Sheikh Hasina will not humiliate anyone as a daughter-in-law.
Rangpur City Corporation (Rasik) Mayor and Jatiya Party presidium member Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa said, Teesta river has become a poison for the people of the north. The demand of 20 million people of this region is to implement Teesta Master Plan of public importance like Padma Bridge. He expressed hope that the Prime Minister will make an announcement about Teesta from today’s general meeting.
Adviser of Sangram Parishad, Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa, told Daily Industry that although the northern region is the country’s granary, houses and arable lands are being destroyed every year due to Teesta. Bangladesh will have to depend on imports if this grain store is destroyed. It is important to implement the Teesta Master Plan through self-financing to reduce foreign dependence. If this master plan is not implemented, besides the economic loss, the environment, environment and biodiversity will be threatened.
Incidentally, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last visited Rangpur on December 23, 2018. At this time, he held two election rallies in Pirganj and Taraganj of Rangpur. After more than 4 and a half years he came back to Rangpur today. Earlier, Awami League President and current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had promised to shoulder the responsibility of Rangpur’s development in the public meeting of Mahazatot at Rangpur Zilla School ground on January 8, 2011.

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