Home Bangladesh Tk 200 cr looted by20 brokers from Padma Bridge
Bangladesh - August 20, 2023

Tk 200 cr looted by20 brokers from Padma Bridge

Madaripur DC send list to ACC

Farhad Chowdhury: A list of 20 brokers has been prepared from the Madaripur district administration. Accused brokers are accused of stealing Tk 200 crores of from the government through fake documents from various projects of Padma Bridge.
The administration has already sent the list to the ACC to trace the brokers. After visiting the house of Nasir Kazi, the top broker of the list, it was found that he has been absconding for almost two years. His associates claim that Nasir, a one-time village veterinarian, has assets worth more than Tk 200 crore in Dhaka, Cox’s Bazar and outside the country. With all the associates, the brokers grab crores of taka. Some of them have even served jail terms.
While investigating, it has been revealed from several sources that Harun Bepari, his wife Nurunnahar Begum and son Meherab Hossain, who were affected by the railway line of the Padma Bridge in Shibchar’s Diarchar Mauza, received section 4, section 7 and section 8 notices from the District Commissioner’s office for the adjoining shops and land. However, they did not get the bill even after repeatedly visiting the DC office after receiving the notice.
After a long effort, the victims came to know that Tk 1.88 crore were taken from those spots by the brokers through fake documents. A broker named Shaheen Bepari was arrested by the police for raising these fake bills with the help of the victims. Based on the information given by him, the accused in a case are Nasir Kazi, a top broker listed in the district administration, his two uncles and a close relative.
Despite the fact that none of the accused are residents of that area, with the help of a class employee of the Deputy Commissioner’s office, around Tk 2.00 crore were stolen this time. The family of the arrested Shaheen (an associate of Dalal Nasir) gives more sensational information. About Tk 2 crore were waived in the name of Shaheen, but they got only Tk 20 lakh of the lost money. The rest of the money was taken by Nasir and the office people.
Before withdrawing the bill, the broker wanted to take all the responsibility, but now they have turned their backs. Not only Shaheen Bepari, UP member Shudhanshu Mal went to jail after getting a share of Tk 2 lakh. Alo Pattandar and many others have come under investigation after receiving a share of Tk 45,000, even though they were supposed to pay Tk 2 lakh. In addition, the gang loots crores of taka from various projects of the VP and claims from private properties of one-time associates.
Harun Bepari, the victim, said, “Despite having all the documents of our land, the brokers’ circle including Nasir, Shaheen, a resident of another area, with the help of the officials of the DC office, with the help of the DC office, fraudulently withdrew about Tk 1.88 crore of the bill. They have no land in this region. Due to which we have not received the compensation money even though we have suffered real damage. A lot of money can be recovered if broker Nasir and his two uncles are arrested. The gang has stolen hundreds of crores of rupees through fraud.
Khokon Sikder, another victim, said, “Former surveyor Russell and Mostafizur Rahman of DC office’s LA branch (now sacked) made fake documents in the name of the arrested Shaheen and extracted the compensation money from our land. By showing the land of plot no. 642 owned by six of us, the broker gang has snatched about Tk 1.88 crore. The gang also looted hundreds of crores of taka from VP and Khas Khatian with fake papers only.
Jalal Bepari, the son of Shaheen Bepari who was arrested, said that some of them along with Dalal Nasir, Aliuzzman, Aktaruzzaman have done this work of withdrawing money from my father. Nasir’s uncle Aktaruzzaman created fake documents. Nasir, Aktaruzzaman scared him and transferred all the money to one of their accounts through two cheques. Then he gave Tk 20 lakhs to his father.
Father never told this big incident to anyone in our family. Later when the government officials came to our house to investigate, my father told them all the facts and they asked my father to go to the DC office.
When my father went to the DC office, the DC sent my father to jail after hearing everything. The police have not yet caught the perpetrators of such a big incident. Among them, Aktaruzzaman and another have also got bail. How big brokers get bail?
No one knows where Dalal Nasir And Nazrul is probably in Dhaka. But the people of their house do not tell the address. When I went to them after arresting my father, they did not cooperate. Rather, they said why did your father catch the police without telling us? We know nothing about this.
Arrested UP member Shudhansh Mall (Nasir’s associate) said that no one but Kanungo knows all these loopholes that there is a land owner and there is no land owner.
All these officers and employees of the DC office contacted Dalal Nasir and if it was a Hindu community land, it would be a Hindu religion person, if it was a fisherman’s land, it would be a fisherman community person, and they would create fake documents for the rest of the land with only ID cards and withdraw the compensation money.
I think the gang along with Nasir Kazi, Matiur Kazi, Nasir’s two uncles have stolen about Tk 200 crore. According to my knowledge, Nasir Kazi has built a ten-storey hotel in Cox’s Bazar and bought a flat in Gulshan. I spoke to Nasir twice after I came out of jail.
Nasir also deposited Tk 16 lakhs of embezzled money in my name in DC office. Later, when the investigation came again, they threatened me along with Nasir not to mention the name of anyone including Nasir’s two uncles. Then I had an argument with them.
Another woman named Alo Pattandar said, “Nasir told me to pay Tk 2 lakh, along with Nasir’s uncle, they took me to Madaripur DC office several times. Takes my signature on various papers. Later they didn’t tell me how much bill they withdrew. After withdrawing the money, they gave me only Tk 45 thousand.
When he called his brother Matiur Kazi to inquire about the top accused Dalal Nasir, he said, “I don’t know if my brother is in Dhaka or India.” He did not come home for about two-and-a-half years. And I do not know that I went to jail in any case.
The second top accused broker Farid Sheikh said on mobile, “The DC office had earlier filed a report in my name. Later about five months ago Madaripur ACC office called me. I went there and answered what they wanted to know. If I do any corruption, they will investigate and prove it.
I had a good relationship with previous officers due to my job. The current sirs have suspected me while investigating who had good relations with the previous officers.
Madaripur Superintendent of Police. Masud Alam told reporters, “We are seriously investigating the case against those who are involved in the embezzlement of state resources, those who have embezzled the resources of the state and the people.” No matter how powerful those involved in this may be, we will not give them any concessions. Not only legal action but they will also be socially boycotted.
Not only the police but all the law enforcement agencies including the ACC, we will root them out together. I will bring them under the law. It will be an example for the future so that no one can ever dare to embezzle public resources, public money.’
The recently departed Madaripur Deputy Commissioner Dr. Rahima Khatun said, we have implemented many projects including Padma Setu, express highway, railway project here. Land acquisition is one of the activities in all these projects. While doing the work of acquiring this land, we have seen that a broker circle has developed here.
This brokerage was involved in the acquisition of land for various projects including Padma Bridge, railway land acquisition. We identified that and made a list of 20 brokers. We have sent a letter to the Anti-Corruption Commission to take action against these 20 brokers. Anti-Corruption Commission is collecting various information about these brokers, investigating and taking action.

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