Home Bangladesh Dhaka has 5th worst traffic in world
Bangladesh - April 5, 2023

Dhaka has 5th worst traffic in world

Traffic Index

Industry Desk: Dhaka has been ranked as the fifth worst city in the world in 2023 in terms of traffic in the global database Numbeo’s Traffic Index by City 2023.
Nigeria’s Lagos, San Jose in Costa Rice, Colombo in Sri Lanka and Los Angeles in the US were the top four cities on the list.
In 2022, Dhaka ranked ninth most congested with a time index (average one-way time needed to transport) of 57.8 minutes, which is now 61 minutes.
Netherland’s Best has the least traffic in the world.
With 1.81 million registered vehicles in the capital alone and with a population of over 22 million, such chaos is somewhat expected in a mega city like Dhaka where traffic management is still rudimentary and road infrastructure is dilapidated.
According to a 2018 study by Buet’s Accident Research Institute, Dhaka traffic wasted 5 million work hours and cost the economy Tk37,000 crore that year. According to another one done by the government’s BIDS and Dhaka-based think tank Policy Research Institute (PRI), approximately 6-10% of the country’s GDP is indirectly lost to traffic chaos every year.

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