Home Diplomatic Malta to open visa office in Dhaka soon
Diplomatic - July 17, 2022

Malta to open visa office in Dhaka soon

Good news for job seekers

Zamir Hussain from Malta: Malta, a member of the European Union, has stopped issuing visas to Bangladeshis for three months. About 300 Bangladeshi workers are not getting visas to visit the country despite having job opportunities from their respective employers in Malta.
Asud Ahmed, the Bangladeshi ambassador to Greece who is in charge of Malta, said that the embassy is working to clear this tangle of visas. Soon Malta will appoint their visa agent in Dhaka.
Bangladesh does not have an embassy in Malta. The country’s relations with Malta are taken care of from the Bangladesh Embassy in Athens, Greece. Similarly, Malta does not have any mission or embassy in Bangladesh. The Embassy of Malta in India looks after the Bangladesh issue.
The much-discussed Malta visa issue is likely to take place in August this year. However, Italy’s selected visa processing office VFS Global could not give an exact date when it will be launched. But the short time visa is still open.
An official of VFS Global Office confirmed this information recently.
Earlier, in the chief guest’s speech at the Eid reunion of expatriate Bangladeshis in Malta, Asud Ahmed said that due to visa complications for Bangladeshi workers, the possibility of issuing visas in Dhaka is being discussed. Those traveling to Malta have to go to Delhi, India to collect the visa. But the Indian Embassy in Malta is returning many people without visas by waiting for a maximum of 90 days. Confusion has arisen among the visa seekers.
In the meantime, such news has caused extreme confusion among the Bangladeshis who have received the Malta Identity copy. Based on the news that visa will be issued in Dhaka, the applicants are getting confused about where to apply for the visa. Malta Embassy in India has stopped issuing visas to Bangladeshis. In this situation, those who want to take visa are suffering. When I called the Indian Embassy in Malta to inquire about this, no one picked up the phone.
Moshiar Rahman, president of Malta Awami League, said in this regard, “Many complications have arisen due to the non-issuance of visas by the Malta High Commission in India. As far as I know, Malta visa issue will be started from Bangladesh next month.
On the other hand, the general secretary of Malta Awami League Kausar Amin Howladar is more active on the issue. He wrote on Facebook, “Malta visa is going to be launched in Dhaka in the middle of July.” However, no official confirmation of his status has been found yet.
Only one class of people has misled those who wish to come to Malta by spreading misinformation. There has been so much hype on social media that Malta visa issuance is starting in Dhaka in a week or two. Some locals termed them as dishonest people.
Counselor providing consular services in Malta on behalf of the Bangladesh Embassy in Athens, Greece. Khaled said, ‘Malta visa processing is not happening for many days.
After learning about the matter, the Embassy of Greece has continued discussions with the authorities of the Government of Malta to resolve this issue.
In response to the question of when Malta visa will be issued in Dhaka, he said, “Our ambassador is currently discussing the matter with the Ministry of Home Affairs of Malta.” It is still in process.’
In response to a question as to why the Malta Embassy in India is not issuing visas to Bangladeshis, he said, “We have heard the matter.” The Ministry of Home Affairs of Malta has been informed. We have not yet received an answer as to why visas are not being issued.
Meanwhile, the Malta Identity (work permit) has a validity of six months. If the visa is not obtained before then, it is no longer accepted. The visa process will again be delayed by a few months if permission is required from Malta to renew the visa.
International press Deutsche Welle has published a news about this. It is said that, through a statement last month, the Malta High Commission in Delhi said that no visas are currently being issued to Bangladeshis from there.
Foreign Minister of Bangladesh. AKM Abdul Momen said in an interview given to the media that a Portuguese consular team will come to Dhaka within the next two months. But he did not give any definite date for Malta. The Minister of Foreign Affairs gave this information on July 3 at the end of his European tour.

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