Home Bangladesh Over 10m sacrificial animals ready ahead of Eid-ul-Azha
Bangladesh - June 15, 2023

Over 10m sacrificial animals ready ahead of Eid-ul-Azha

Staff Correspondent: The supply of sacrificial animals has exceeded the demand ahead of Eid-ul-Azha this year, according to Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim.
The demand for sacrificial animals stands at 10 million, while more than 12.5 million animals are available for the ritual, he said on Wednesday.
Last year, 12.1 million animals were prepared for the ritual sacrifice during Eid, and only 9.9 million were slaughtered.
This year, around 4.8 million cows and buffaloes, 7.6 million goats and sheep, and 2,581 other animals will be on sale.
“In the past, sacrificial animals were sold only in markets. Following the coronavirus pandemic, traders were allowed to sell sacrificial animals on the streets or even at their homes,” said Karim.
“We kept this option open as sometimes the leaseholders of cattle markets create a false crisis to monopolise the business.”
Traders can sell sacrificial animals on the street or in the market without obstructions, according to the minister. “If anyone disturbs them, the law will take its course.”
The cabinet committee on law and order, however, decided against allowing animal markets to be set up on the streets.
Asked about the matter, Karim explained that one can sell an animal on the go, but cannot set up a market on the streets.
“The animals can be sold at any place. The traders can call 999 or the local administration if anyone prevents them from doing so. But, they must document the sale.”
No dearth of sacrificial animals exists in the country, the minister said, adding that Bangladesh will be able to meet the demand with its local cattle supply and does not need to import.
The government is taking strict measures to ensure that cattle are not brought in illegally from neighbouring India, according to him.

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