Home Uncategorized Thousands suffer for artificial crisis of Paracetamol
Uncategorized - August 12, 2021

Thousands suffer for artificial crisis of Paracetamol

Golam Mostafa Jibon:Sudden disappearance of Paracetamol group drugs specially Napa, Napa Extra, H Plus, Napa Syrup and even Paracetamol has caused of immense sufferings to thousands of patients affected with seasonal fever, cold and cough. If the drugs are available at some places, high prices are being realized by a section of unscrupulous pharmacy owners during the corona pandemic.
A section of pharmacists in collaboration with some drug manufacturing companies are also responsible for the artificial crisis of the life saving drugs. But, there is no headache of the authorities concerned to monitor the matter, insiders claimed.
Sources said, corona infection has increased abnormally across the country especially from the capital to remote villages. In the meantime, the incidence of seasonal fever, cold and cough is increasing at everywhere in a competitive manner. Many are suffering from body aches. Patients with such symptoms are found in every house. Doctors said that, it is not only the corona virus, but also the effect of the change of seasons. This has increased the demand for Napa, Napa Extra, H Plus, Napa Syrup and Paracetamol. The crisis of these drugs has increased in the market due to rising of demand.
Gordas Nitai, a resident of Gopibagh said, “I went to the pharmacy to buy Napa Plus medicine for my daughter, who was suffering from mild fever and body aches. The pharmacy seller handed over other drugs saying that Napa and Napa Extra stock is over.”
Such crisis was noticed at different parts of the capital during a spot visit.
While this correspondent talked with Md Mamun, Owner of Nahar Pharmacy in Gopibagh, he said, “The demand for Paracetamol group medicines and antibiotics has increased more than before. Someone buys such medicines on the basis of prescription given by doctor, while many people come to the pharmacy to buy these medicines on their own will. Demand for this specialty of medicines has grown up significantly due to artificial or manmade crisis.
Napa is now being sold between Tk 20 and Tk 25 against the price at Tk 10 a month ago.
Zahurul Islam, owner of The Medicine in Sirajganj said, the supply of some medicines including Napa, Napa Extra, Napa Extend and Napa One is low at present. During the lockdown, the production of medicines is being hampered due to the inability to import raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. We have been informed by the pharmaceutical company that the supply in the market is now low. Due to this, along with the crisis of medicines in the market, the prices have also gone up a bit.”
A pharmacy owner in Pabna said, “There has been a shortage of medicines since Eid due to the outbreak of cold fever, cough and body ache in every house. The crisis was due to poor supply of Paracetamol especially Napa, Napa Extra, Napa Extend and Napa One. The artificial crisis has created in many areas including Bogura, Dinajpur, Syedpur, Rangpur, Sylhet and Chattogram due to the manipulation of the syndicate.”
Mofiz Uddin, a drug dealer in Shyamoli in Dhaka said, “The demand for Paracetamol tablets is higher now than at any other time. For more than a few weeks, some leading pharmaceutical companies have reduced the supply of Paracetamol tablets. Besides,, representatives of many companies are not maintaining communication with the drugs. Due to this, the crisis seems to be more than the demand. However, the Department of Drug Administration is not aware of the crisis even though it is aware of the increasing demand for these drugs. No one has lodged any written complaint with the department.”
However, the officials of the organization have claimed that they are vigilant so that the crisis does not arise.
Ayub Hossain, Deputy Director and spokesman of the department said, “Relevant companies producing such drugs have been asked to increase production. It has also been allowed to import more raw materials to increase the demand for medicines.”

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